Each Season Exists to Serve its Purpose

WInter-SummerI love this quote from Tshepo H. Maloa: 

“One of the most important lessons I’ve come to learn is this:
We are all sailing in our own individual ship of life; and no matter how great of a sailer you may be, we all experience seasons the same.
The storms will come, and the cold will come, the warmth shall come, and the blossom of spring shall also come.
… Winter is not bad for existing, nor is summer any less great for being hot.
Each season exists to serve its purpose…
And none of us are exempted from enduring the seasons.
Understand the seasons and times of life.
Take delight in the sun and at the sight of blooming flowers, but remember, the storms and the winter shall also surely come.
Learn how to adjust your sails and know when to adjust them, prepare yourself for the cold and the stormy seasons, but remember to always enjoy the sun while it shines…”