Introduction and Goals
Many of you don’t know me, so I’d like to briefly introduce myself and explain my goals for this blog.
My name is Trish Findlay and I live in Qld, Australia. I have two daughters and four grandchildren, many living on the other side of Australia and the rest of my family either in New Zealand or scattered all over the globe. I keep in contact via email, Skype, Messenger & Zoom as well as the phone.
For me, computers have always been fun, interesting and very useful so I started teaching others to help them to enjoy their computers more and to get more use from them. Gradually over the years that help became more constant and more structured, in some cases developing into proper lessons and helpdesk. I’m still happy to help friends with any computer problems if I can.
I’ve been a bookkeeper for more than 20 years & nowadays this is all online. I started back in 2000 when GST came in using Quickbooks for our family business and because it worked well for me, I’ve specialized in this software. Of course now it is Quickbooks Online, though I also use MYOB for one client and it’s a good solution as well. There are plenty of other good ones too, this is just my choice.
Along with bookkeeping, I developed an interest in making websites for myself and friends, starting back in 2004. What a change there has been in this area over the years, it has been a fascinating journey. Of course, I still use WordPress for a couple of sites, but recently have focussed on a solution called Quick Convert, a website & funnel platform that e-commerce, CRM, email marketing & automation plus a booking system all built-in! I’ve made several sites for clients recently – if you’re interested, see trishf.com
Graphics & video have been my fun thing to do in the last 20 years, learning programs like Photoshop, Inkscape, Xara Graphics, The Graphics Creator (which used to be called LaughingBird Software back in the day) & for videos, Camtasia, Fast Video Creator from Be A Video Pro. They have recently brought out a new solution called Video Memory Maker, marketed as “The Easiest Way To Turn Your Photographs Into Heart-Felt, Lasting Video Memories”. It’s simple to use, anyone can do it. Turn your holiday or family vacation pictures, a collection of family photos, celebrations, birthdays, hobbies or kids sporting events into a video of your favorite memories. More about that coming soon.
AI is becoming more & more reliable to help with regular tasks, such as writing, transcription, creating or enhancing graphics. I use Otter.ai every week to transcribe the Bald & Blonde Mindset Evolution Podcast (my daughter Kathi is the Bald partner). It’s very popular, listened to in over 60 countries after only 18 months.
Apps like Rytr, Simplified, Jasper, Outwrite, Shortly.ai, to help with creating content – more about that in posts to come.
Patterns can add a nice touch to illustrations and can be vital for complex graphic design projects. Subtle pattern effects can enliven flat web builds, eye-catching designs are useful if you want abstract artwork without an illustration or stock art. Pattern makers like Repper, Patternify, Mazeletter, Patterninja, Patterizer & Geopattern will help get the job done.
So, the aims of the site can be summarised as follows:
- to share my favourite software & apps
- to showcase results
- to help you have fun
It is my hope that by coming here often to check out what is happening, we can inspire each other & build happier, healthier lives.
I can be contacted by email on [email protected]